
Lecture4 Immersion Education

 Immersion Education

   Immersion Education is the process of immersing oneself in a language environment so intimately that the language is compared to a liquid. It is one of the learning methods that started in Canada in the 1960s and is now spreading all over the world, including Japan. Immersion education is a method of education in which a foreign language is not used as a subject, but as a means to learn other subjects, and in immersion schools, the target language is used both in and out of class. Trainers and consultants introduce various schemes and techniques to enable every teacher to bring a language focus into their classroom. 

3 principles

- Comprehensible input

- Structured and extended output

- Focus on form:


Lecture3 Working memory

 Working Memory

   Working memory differs in that it is an active and goal-oriented temporary memory that is involved in both retention and processing, whereas short-term memory is a passive temporary memory that focuses only on the function of retention. In addition, the dynamic nature of working memory differs from that of short-term memory in that it updates and adjusts information. Alan Baddeley, is a British psychologist. He is known for his research on memory and for developing the three-component model of working memory. is a professor of psychology at the University of York.

   Multi-component model of working memory, in this model, three subsystems called the phonological loop, visuospatial sketchpad, and episodic buffer are assumed to work together under the central executive function that controls attention. 

The phonological loop, visuospatial sketchpad and episodic buffer are assumed to work in a coordinated manner under the phonological loop function. The phonological loop stores audio information and repeats the content aloud in the mind to refresh memory traces and prevent their destruction. 

subvocal rehearsal

The visuospatial sketchpad also stores visual and spatial information. It can be divided into visual and spatial systems.

●The episodic buffer holds an integrated representation of audio/visual/spatial information, and is also responsible for accessing and integrating long-term memory information. They are called episodic because they are considered to integrate episodically related information. The episodic buffer is similar to episodic memory, which is part of long-term memory, but differs in that it is a short-term memory.

Repetition is key!


Lecture 2 English Education CLT

Communicative Language Teaching 

   Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) is holistic. It focuses on all the skills and knowledge needed to communicate. As the structuring becomes more and more sophisticated, the activities become more fun and more challenging. These activities are very important in the early stages of language acquisition and are useful for later activities as well. However, care must be taken not to make them too suffering for the students as they increase in difficulty. Teachers need to think about the extent to which they will allow students to make errors.

   Intermediate and advanced learners can use more structured exercises to increase their language repertoire. Flexibility of expression can be improved by avoiding the use of limited vocabulary and language patterns.


   The problems with CLT are that teachers think they should mainly teach grammar, they do not know the real meaning of CLT, and they lack the skills to teach communication. There is no provision in the current CLT methodology for advanced proficiency in the use of language through repeated practice.



 I was grad to be able to hear some ways of effective study English of some students!I was able to hear a lot of interesting introductions because everyone has different personalities, strengths, and weaknesses.

I impressed studying way like reading foreign books every night before going to bed, and writing a diary in English every day. Also, I interested in the study materials using radio broadcast and NHK's program. Actually, I used to watch NHK's Korean language program (more than half of it was recorded and I haven't seen it yet:).

I introduced how I am learning English in today's class, I feel like I just said something stupid.😂

Anyway, I'm looking forward to other students' introduction!!🙋


 In today's class, we learned about four pilars of the foreign language learning. 

#Meaning-focused input

#Meaning-focused output

#Language-focused learning

#Fluency development

I think the balanced learning with these methods work in theory, but quite difficult in practical. It's very ideal way.🤔💭

I learned that no matter what learning method we use, we should have some background knowledge to study a foreign language efficiently.

In the next class,  I have to talk about my recommended study method... 




  At the beginning of the class, we learned about learner factors and what kind of influence they have on learning. It is true that one's personality and temperament may affect one's learning, but it would be a shame to get depressed and set one's own learning limit. I felt it is important to find a learning method that suits each of us.

  Certainly, even my middle and high school classmates with a good vocabulary, good grammar, and high English test scores did not speak English fluently. Even though I able to understand easy English with the vocabulary and grammar I had learned so far, I can't immediately express my thoughts and ideas in English. I was in a hurry to speak in English when I suddenly had to, so I couldn't even follow simple grammar and spoke a bunch of words in English. It is clear that the number of training and practice in speaking is far less than that in vocabulary, reading and listening.

  The most interesting thing I found was about children and second language learning. It's not enough to just have your child listen to English, it's not just that they will learn to use English just because they go to a language school, it's that they will feel stressed out by having to speak English, and they will feel even more burdened by their parents telling them to use English at home. If you try to expose your child to English in a reckless manner, there is a chance that it will cause trauma to the English language itself. These are things that any parent who wants their child to learn English is likely to do. It is clear that just because children are flexible does not mean that we can just give them everything, but that we need to carefully balance their minds when it comes to language learning.



      There must be so many different cultures and rules in the world because culture shock can happen even between Japanese people.The important thing is to understand and respect those cultures, and not to criticize or dislike them just because they are different from my way of thinking. Valentine's Day, Christmas, Halloween, etc. all came from overseas and the Japanese people enjoy it by changing it to fit their own style. That is great way to enjoy different cultures. My ALT teacher told me a lot of interesting stories about cultural differences and that's how I got interested in foreign country.

I'd love to do a seriously scary Halloween one day!

Lecture4 Immersion Education

  Immersion Education    Immersion Education is the process of immersing oneself in a language environment so intimately that the language i...