
Lecture3 Working memory

 Working Memory

   Working memory differs in that it is an active and goal-oriented temporary memory that is involved in both retention and processing, whereas short-term memory is a passive temporary memory that focuses only on the function of retention. In addition, the dynamic nature of working memory differs from that of short-term memory in that it updates and adjusts information. Alan Baddeley, is a British psychologist. He is known for his research on memory and for developing the three-component model of working memory. is a professor of psychology at the University of York.

   Multi-component model of working memory, in this model, three subsystems called the phonological loop, visuospatial sketchpad, and episodic buffer are assumed to work together under the central executive function that controls attention. 

The phonological loop, visuospatial sketchpad and episodic buffer are assumed to work in a coordinated manner under the phonological loop function. The phonological loop stores audio information and repeats the content aloud in the mind to refresh memory traces and prevent their destruction. 

subvocal rehearsal

The visuospatial sketchpad also stores visual and spatial information. It can be divided into visual and spatial systems.

●The episodic buffer holds an integrated representation of audio/visual/spatial information, and is also responsible for accessing and integrating long-term memory information. They are called episodic because they are considered to integrate episodically related information. The episodic buffer is similar to episodic memory, which is part of long-term memory, but differs in that it is a short-term memory.

Repetition is key!

1 件のコメント:

  1. Alan Baddeley, is
    Alan Baddeley is

    is a professor
    He is a professor


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