

  At the beginning of the class, we learned about learner factors and what kind of influence they have on learning. It is true that one's personality and temperament may affect one's learning, but it would be a shame to get depressed and set one's own learning limit. I felt it is important to find a learning method that suits each of us.

  Certainly, even my middle and high school classmates with a good vocabulary, good grammar, and high English test scores did not speak English fluently. Even though I able to understand easy English with the vocabulary and grammar I had learned so far, I can't immediately express my thoughts and ideas in English. I was in a hurry to speak in English when I suddenly had to, so I couldn't even follow simple grammar and spoke a bunch of words in English. It is clear that the number of training and practice in speaking is far less than that in vocabulary, reading and listening.

  The most interesting thing I found was about children and second language learning. It's not enough to just have your child listen to English, it's not just that they will learn to use English just because they go to a language school, it's that they will feel stressed out by having to speak English, and they will feel even more burdened by their parents telling them to use English at home. If you try to expose your child to English in a reckless manner, there is a chance that it will cause trauma to the English language itself. These are things that any parent who wants their child to learn English is likely to do. It is clear that just because children are flexible does not mean that we can just give them everything, but that we need to carefully balance their minds when it comes to language learning.

1 件のコメント:

  1. I agree. Children can chose what to study, and our role is to provide them with as much options as possible. English may be one possible option, but other languages can be as well. (Koyo)


Lecture4 Immersion Education

  Immersion Education    Immersion Education is the process of immersing oneself in a language environment so intimately that the language i...