
TEAM KADOWAKI's Long Book Review②

  The book’s contents based on true story. The main character Karen Silkwood was Union activist. In the book,  the story from the beginning of the activity to the mysterious death. She looked beautiful and smart. She started to work had the Cimarron plutonium plant. She thought there are a lot of danger for worker. She tried to change the working environment.

The story made into a movie, so I was ease to imagine scenes as a  Artistic Adventurer. At first, she founded new job with high salary and saw new friends and good boyfriend. They looked happy. However I associated miserable situation that one pretty and happy woman becoming exhausted while continuing the book. The book’s name is “THE DEATH OF KAREN SILKWOOD”. At that point I imagined a lot of image of story. Also I read the book of understanding she would dead. So I thought “Why she would dead?”or “How does she die?”. I could guess several stories.

I made power point about the book’s story. I wanted my team’s members to understand the story more specifically.

  Since it's a true story, as a connector I searched more about her real life case. And then I edited it into a newspaper article and put it together.

Unlike the previous book, the book “The Death of Karen Silkwood was a little difficult for me to summarize. But the more I read, the more I can understand the content. I summarized it by myself and I introduced in 2nd Literature Circle, everyone listen to my introduction. And my team members showed me own materials, they were very interesting and persuasive. Thanks to my team members, I could have a good time. As I mentioned by text message, during previous Literature Circle, my phone battery was dying, so I will charge my phone enough next time.

  Also, as a character person, I focused on the main character and asked other members about her opinion. It was very interesting because everyone had different ideas. Also, I did character quiz after we finish discussion. We all enjoyed and could remember story through this quiz. As a discussion leader, i enjoyed discussion because other member’s ideas were very helpful. I’m thankful for my member!

  As a wordmeister, I wanted everyone to expand their vocabulary, so I created a quiz to collect words that everyone on the team didn't understand. Everyone enjoyed it. I think they had fun while learning.

  Overall, we did better than last time. It takes some getting used to, but I think the key to our success this time was good preparation.




  I thank Sawa, Kaori, and Misaki for their contributions to this review.







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