
5 Book Review the series of USBORNE FIRST READING

At last, it's spring. They climb out into the sun. The cubs start to play.Their mother is close. She keeps them safe.
This is  a story of bears. Written about the life of a bear. I had thought that  bears are living with their partner, but this story's bare gave birth and became mother in a den during winter. At last , in spring, mother bear and her children climb out into the sun, there was no figure of her partner. I didn't know that.

"Brer Rabbit Down the Well"
"I'm not hiding," said Brer Rabbit.
"I'm fishing."
"there are some huge fish here."
He made a splashing sound with his paw.
The rabbit fell the bottom of will to escape  from Brer fox. And the fox found the rabbit, he tried to catch the rabbit, but this rabbit is very clever, he told a lie to the fox. The Fox loved fish very much, he forgot to eat rabbit, and he fell down in the will. This Fox is very silly....

"Clever Rabbit and the Lion"

Lion looked into the water. Another lion looked back. Lion shook his head. So did the other lion.Lion leaped at the lion in the water...and was swept away.
The rabbit of this story is clever too. He tricked the lion and he saved a lot of animals' life. The lion could not swim, so he finally never seen again. Ignorance is sin. In such stories, a weak place animals always use their wisdom and save their life. To know a lot of things is important, someday, it will help us.

"The Daydreamer"
I can buy a hen. My hen will lay eggs......lots of eggs. I can sell my eggs. I'll have lots of money!

Daisy doesn't have any money, but she has lots of imagination. She is very cute, even if she is poor, she doesn't give up having dream. As we grow up, we are said other people " You should see the reality." so we forgot the heart like child, when we had a lot of dreams. I think keep up having dream is sometimes difficult, but we should not forget.

"The Golden Goose"
"Please will you share your food with me?" he begged. "Of course," said Billy " Have as much as you like.
Billy wasn't strong or handsome, different with his brothers. But he has a very kind heart.  So, he could marry princes, be rich. Old story's  center characters are always kind,even if they are poor, be bullied others.Old stories tell us the important thing is to have kind mind. It is not easy thing, but if we could have this heart, everyone can be happy.

:)Series Review
It was easy for me to understand these stories. Also, Thanks to artwork, I could enjoy reading. And I could remember something important things by reading. I learn to have wide broad and kind heart is important. It will help us, someday. In most cases, weak animals beat strong animals with wisdom.In a lot of cases, fox and lion are tricked.....

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